
2:56 am

Basically I've been working out really hard over the past 3 months. And boy did it pay off. I am very happy with the results however there is still room for improvement.  I started going to the gym because well, my boyfriend is a gym junkie. I knew that he was slowly converting me and well, lucky for him it worked haha I wouldn't call myself fat before, but I had love handles. Love handles are deposits of fat at the side of a persons waistline. A.K.A muffin top.

I have been playing hockey since I was 9 and I never had to worry about my weight. Why you may ask? Because if i'm not at home or at school, I would be at the hockey field training. Basically, hockey requires a lot of running. So I was able to eat whatever I wanted, how much I wanted. I always knew that I wouldn't gain any kg's. The feeling was the bomb. Other girls would be so jealous because they would have to go on a diet to lose weight, however I would just gobble any form of food substance in sight.  Piggy... I know

Senior Year- Was the year where I stopped most of my sports. I still thought that I could eat whatever I wanted but I was wrong. I had a bit too much of Nasi Lemak and Mc Donalds till I had a muffin top. I didn't notice it at first because I didn't know what it was until a friend of mine pointed it out. Apparently , many of my friends don't have it. So after my final exams, I started running everyday again. Ya know, for Proms' sake. And it reduced. Splendid! Half of my problems were gone, I thought.  Yet again I was wrong....

College started for me back in 2012 and my muffin top was still there. So my boyfriend brought me to his gym where I actively ran and lift weights. That helped. But then, I had to also go on a diet. Not the "model" diet but a healthy diet. Like the right amount of protein,carbs, fruits/veges and fats. After awhile, I could definitely see the results. However I had to stop due to exams. After I graduated from college, I hen joined a gym center near my living area. So now I have been working out about 5-6 times a week. I usually run for 45 mins,other cardio exercises for 30 mins, I lift weights, and do abs exercises. My main focus 3 months back was cardio because I had to build my stamina. But now, I'm focusing more on toning my arms and legs. Alhamdullilah that my muffin top is now gone and my legs are toned like before. So I am super happy with the outcome. I hope to get toner in the future and I shall definitely work harder!


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