
12:14 pm

Everywhere you look, people are wearing a vast variety of jewelry - necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are just the beginning. Why is jewelry so popular? Why do so many people choose to adorn themselves in these ways every day? The answer is that jewelry has always been an important part of human cultures, serving several purposes that are deeply significant to each of us. 

I have been bugging my parents to get me a pair of studded Chanel earrings so that I can wear them everyday. One thing about me is that when I say that i'm going to use something, i would use it till the end. In other words, lets say shoes. I'd wear them till they're worn out. i won't just use them for awhile and then bug my parents for something new. 

Before I left for England, my mum surprised me with two boxes of Swarovski earrings. One was a huge studded crystal earring for everyday use and a dangling crystal earrings for special occasions or for dinners which i obviously loved.  Initially, i wanted to save my money and buy myself the classic studded Chanel earrings. So i've been saving ever since.

I met my parents at Harrods this morning for some ice-cream at the Ice-cream Parlour. They have the best ice-cream sundaes ever! Just when i thought that Haagen-Daze's ice-creams were amazing, a  spoon of Harrods' ice-cream changed my mind completely. We just went window shopping since none of us wanted to buy anything.

Since i got here, I've been checking out most of the Chanel Boutiques and none of them had the specific classic earrings that I wanted. I was utterly crossed. So i just tried my luck and went to the two Chanel Boutiques in Harrods. Theres no harm in asking right? Lucky me, they had the last pair of Chanel earrings that I wanted! i WAS SO HAPPY!! bought them instantly hehe

Day made :3


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