
12:56 am

These pictures were taken yesterday at my house before the Kenduri and Doa selamat started. Ones who were invited were mainly very close relatives and also very close friends who would be flying off to England in the up coming days. Also, my family decided to have this so that we could spend time with our relatives whom we have not seen in awhile. Mengeratkan Silaturahim as my mum would say.

It started at 11am sharp with holy readings which including al-Yaasin. Afterwards, everyone had lunch,  obviously at my house. Nothing too fancy or heavy. It was rice with a few other Negeri Sembilan dishes, kuih and cakes. To me it was a great opportunity to get together with all my cousins, nieces, aunts and uncles, even granduncle to be precise. Not only that, I managed to spend time with my most closest friends and not forgetting Jamal because we are two peas in a pod and that we are practically like siamese twins.  e.g.. I am his shadow or vice versa.

After lunch, some people went home and stayed on. My friend, Ati's birthday is on the 8th of September and we had our kenduri on the 7th. So i decided to bake her a cake and surprise her during the kenduri. I whispered to Mira to follow me to kitchen and to get the stuff ready. Both of  us walked in and sang the birthday song. Ati had no clue that it was for her so she as singing along and looking blank for the birthday girl or boy but when we sang ".... happy birthday Ati! Happy birthday to you" she had the shock of her life. It was nice to see her so happy.

Thank you all for making this doa selamat a really memorable one as your prayers and presence mean a lot to me. Thank you also for all the encouragement and advice.

Syukur , Alhamdullilah. 


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