+ Mel

11:48 am

Just thought Id blog about what went down before my winter trip to Paris. After Uni ended on the 12th, I revised for my exams ( Upcoming Jan) and just hanged with my flatmates at my place before we go our separate ways during the Christmas holidays. I met p with some familiar faces as well. On Sunday, Mel stayed with us because she needed a place to crash before her flight back to Malaysia on the 16th. It was so much fun having Melissa around.

It's been a while since I had a sleepover before. Gossiping and snuggling. Gossiping really passed our time for sure haha. Jamal, Melissa and I went to the Rottiserie at Harrods for  lunch where I had the roast (roast beef - it was more like a steak) with roast potatoes, Jamal had beef ribs with BBQ sauce and roast potato + potato gratin and Mel had half a roast chicken with complimentary roast potatoes as well. We had a pleasant time laughing,eating and chatting. Our initial plan was to have dessert at the Ice-cream parlour but us three stooges were just too full for anything.

That night we met up with the rest as well. Typical Malaysians, we just can't get enough of each other. Since Julian and Porle are here on holiday we decided to have Malaysian food. Since Melissa was leaving for Malaysia soon, the ones who are staying in London - Me, Azrie and Jamal felt a little homesick. So NASI LEMAK was a yes! After dinner we just hung out around Birdees since we won't be able to be there on their closing day ( they are moving)


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