who really runs this world?

6:36 am

F  E  M  I  N  I  S  M

It is a collection of movement and ideologies that share a common stated aim; to define, to establish, and defend equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking establishment of equal opportunities for women in education and employment. In my opinion, women are just as intelligent as men, I do believe that women are capable of doing so many things just like men. However, I do not call myself a feminist nor do I strongly believe in feminism.

First and foremost, women and men are not equal in physical strength. As feminist claims, "women and men are born equal" yes we are born equal, we have arms and legs just like men , two eyes, ears, fingers and toes but we were not given the same amount of strength and that is due to the hormones/ genes in a man and women. They are different. Some women "may" be as strong as some men but that doesn't mean that all women are as strong as men. We have to think rationally. Lets say a man and a women were to push a car, the man would have more energy or they would be able to do it as they have the physical means to do so and the woman would not be able to push the car because she does not have enough muscle etc. It is just physically impossible , unless she's like wonder woman. Feminist believes that this discrimination against women is because of an insignificant difference in physical appearance is discrimination comparable with racial discrimination and persecution of religious minorities.

Second, women and men are mentally different. In our modern high technology society, physical strength means nothing as we have machines etc for all our rough work. Feminist often claim that women are more intelligent and more qualified than men because they are smarter; because girls get good grades in school or university. I am in university and the girls and boys in my course are just as smart as each other. There are girls who are smarter than boys and there are boys whom are smarter than girls. Having girls be better than boys does not make all girls better than boys. it just states that, that particular girl has worked hard enough to beat the other girls and boys. It is the individual herself not the whole female society of the university.

Honestly, I don't understand feminism or feminist. I don't see why they are provoked by others' success. I would understand if they were not given their rights when they truly deserve it. Lets say in an office, a women has worked hard and deserves a raise but the boss gives the raise to a man who has clearly not shown an improvement since day one. Then I don't blame her for fighting for the right to get her raise because she deserves it. Men however, I don't understand why they would not give women/ladies/girls' a chance. If they do well, or are good at something and they deserve a raise or whatever then just give it to them. I don't see why you have to be so egoistic. This implies to both women and men. Feminist are egoistic and so are men. Feminism is a result from men provoking women mentally and physically. Their humiliation or ego created this movement.

The question famously states, "..who runs the world?". I feel that this statement just gives a reason for men/ women to provoke each other and cause conflict. it is definitely not just men or women. It is both, because without one of these, then the world would not be at peace or harmony despite all the external factors that has happened over the years.


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