Nov 26

4:35 pm

A N  D  R  E  A  '  S     B  I  R  T  H  D  A  Y

Andrea turns the big 2 1

Some of the cheerleaders were invited to Andrea's 21st birthday alongside her other friends,flatmates and boyfriend. Before I start, Andrea was Central City Allstars' (City University London's competitive cheerleading squad) captain last year. Sadly, this year she decided not to join the squad. Mainly because she's currently in her 3rd year a.k.a final year and we all know how busy final year students are ... with their dissertations and what not. So we gave her the benefit of the doubt and closed one eye and let her go, though we would be losing a great flyer, dancer and friend on the team.

She had her birthday at this bar called the Adventure Bar in Covent Garden, London. Just click on the link and it will redirect you to their official site. Last year for Olivia's (my ex flatmate) pre- birthday celebration, we had booked us a table at a similar bar in Covent Garden as well; called Foundation Bar. The atmosphere of Adventure Bar was similar to Foundation Bar however, I believe that Foundation Bar was slightly bigger than Adventure bar.

Our table was booked for 930pm. Amika and Yan (Cheerleaders on my university squad) had met up at mine first since Amika lives 10 minutes away from me and Yan was at the library in University. Around 7 pm, we met up and had some drinks and tip bits in my kitchen. At 9pm we left and made our way to the bar. We didn't really arrive that late, it was just everyone else was rather early. The birthday girl was late, but she's the birthday girl... who could argue with her. The night was full of smiles, dancing and laughter. Our platter consisted of yummy finger food as well as vegan tip bits. The music was spot on for me. I do like my fair share of rNb but Adventure Bars playlist was quite funky ranging from Katy Perry to Michael Jackson.


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