Travel Series: Barcelona

8:15 pm

T  R  A  V  E  L    S  E  R  I  E S 

Some of my close cheerleading mates and I decided to take some time off during the Easter break. Trying to escape the gloomy English weather, we thought, Spain would be good. We just needed some time off off the library and books before we got in our major study mode. 

Road to finals

The girls on the trip


We were in Spain for 4 days and 3 nights. Like my other holidays with friends, we booked an Airbnb apartment that accommodates 6 people which is located not far from the La Sagrada Familia. La Sagrada Familia is a large Catholic church located in the heart of Barcelona Spain designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudi.This magnificent monument started construction in 1882 till present. Can you believe it, it is still not complete! Imagine how huge this monument is going to be (it is already huge now). On the day of our arrival, we roamed the streets of Barcelona in summer clothes even though the wind was strong (17 miles per hour) -- that is very windy.

La Sagrada Familia
Our first stop was the La Sagrada Familia since it is located not far from our apartment. We then had lunch at this quaint outdoor restaurant where the six of us shared two large plates of Paella. One was a chicken paella and the other was seafood paella. When we asked for the bill, we had a little miscommunication with one of the waiters. I don't really want to go in depth about the situation we were in but lets just say someone was called a puta (whore/bitch in Spanish)

 La Sagrada Familia

Seafood Paella

We then went home to change. We were sort of forced to because it was getting really windy and we just felt cold in our 'summer' clothes. I guess none of us packed for a slight chill in Spain. All of us girls packed 'summer' which was a huge mistake. That night we just explore La Rambla and had tapas at one of the restaurants there.La Rambla is a famous street in the centre of Barcelona. During the day and night, La Rambla can be very crowded. However the hustle and bustle is what keeps the street alive. 

Park Guell
The next day, we walked from our apartment to Park Guell. Built in 1900, Park Guell is one of Barcelona's most famous attraction. It is a public park located on Carmen Hill. This park is a reflection of Gaudi's artistic plentitude which belongs to his naturalist phase. What people usually want to se at Park Guell is the famous mosaic bridge as well as the famous lizard mosaic. I knew that we had to buy tickets to visit those areas. We arrive around lunch time and had waiting in line to buy tickets to enter. When it was finally our turn, he had told us that the next time available would be at 6 pm. It was only 2 pm then and we really didnt want to wait that long for the next entry so we decided to come back tomorrow. Since we were already at Park Guell, we thought we might as well just hike up the hill and enjoy the nice sunny weather. Stunt on top of the hill maybe? 

which we did in the end..

Apparently one of the staff working there told us that is you enter the Park after 8pm, you wouldn't have to pay admission fee. I believe its because its dark and you have limited time actually spend there taking pictures before it actually gets dark. We returned to park Guell the next day at 8pm to finally see Gaudi's mosaic designs.

Worth it.

Playa de Bogatell (beach)
We picked the most loveliest day the relax and stunt on the beach. It was the hottest day (still windy). After lunch, we made our way home, changed into our swimming suits and made our way to Playa de Bogatell by cab. It was approximately a 15 minute drive? We had to take two separate cabs because they could only fit four in each cab. When we got to the beach, it was really nice and hot. Hot enough to get a slight tan though but not hot enough to get the temperature of the ocean to rise. The water was freezing! All of us except Rosie jumped into the water for a quick dip. It was accelerating!

De Montijüic
Montijüic is where locals as well as tourists come together a relax during the night. Basically during the night, there will be a light and music show at the fountain. Something like the one we have back home overnight in KLCC's park. During the day, people would just come and hike up and soak up the ambiance of being in this lovely city. Some even come to visit the art museum of Catalunya that is located on the top on the hill.

National museum of Art, Catalunya
Where Shuen and I decided to spend a little of our time here in Barcelona while the others explored the Montijüic area. There were 2 floors if I'm not mistaken ranging from Medieval art to Modern art as well as some small furniture made my Gaudi himself.

The whole trip was just amazing. It was such a lovely time as I got to experience Barcelona with these beautiful people. I can't wait for our next trip together putes!


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