Travel Series: Kuala Lumpur and Melaka, Malaysia

9:03 am

K U A L A  L U M P U R   A N D   M E L A K A 

Hey readers, Im back

I have been pretty busy these past few weeks. This is what I have been up to since Eid 2016. Right after Eid, I had a few weeks of work left before actually completing my internship programme. After completing it, I was able to spend time with my family and friends without worrying about work the next day. 

My friends from England arrived in KL around the 11th and 12th of August -- I had planned the itinerary for the whole week and it was sort of non stop for them. They had to wake up early almost everyday and sleep late at night like around 3am because we just had so many things to do and see and experience. Georgia arrived first on the 11th around dinner time, my parents and I brought her to our favourite hawker stall on Jalan Peel to have Fresh coconut water, bbq chicken wings, some fried goodies a.k.a  mee goreng and kuey teow (types of stir fry) and satay. After dinner, we went home and let Georgia freshen up and unpack before heading out to.. where else if not Podgy. The usual boys were there; Jamal, Azri, Ez etc and in the end we decided to have a chill night and go for karaoke in Petaling Jaya. Lets just say, we ended up staying till 4am. 

The next day we had to wake up early because we had planned to go on a hike to the Chiling Waterfalls in Kuala Kubu Bahru which is located nearby the national Dams. We brought breakfast (McDonalds) and hiked up. We took an hour to hike up. Not really sure whether we took a wrong turn or what but we had to walk on an uproot tree to cross the river. The water was so clear, Ive never seen river water that clear in my life! and the fishes travelled in large schools as well. I guess its expected since the Chiling Waterfall is a fish sanctuary in Malaysia.Other than that i brought them to the usual tourists areas in KL as well as Melaka!


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