Red means stop

4:52 pm

Its funny how love can destroy a person.

How it destroys you and makes you feel whole at the same time.  Remember the very first time you fell in love? Remember how it felt like? Butterflies, heart pounding, muscles tensing, stomach wrenching, sweaty and nervous. That delicious anxiety. 

Its funny how that delicious anxiety could change into a feeling so indescribably painful that you just feel like if you erase your presence from the world,you would be able to purify the people around you in some way.

You tell yourself to let love go and not to try again. To cut all ties to spare the person you love pain but the process, he/she would let you fall because he/she is the only thing that is tying you to this world.

The process of making yourself better is crutial and long. It takes days, months and maybe even years… All you want is just someone to be there for you, to advice you to not worry and to be patient with your life so that you feel “fine” and “balanced”

“Don’t you worry my darling, it will all be okay..” imagine him whisper

At this point, don’t you wish you could just watch your love from another world?  All you’re able to do is wonder how the person you loved could turn out the way he/she is.


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