A little something

5:21 am

5   F A C T S   A B O U T   M E 

  1. FOOD
I have always had this love hate relationship with food. Any sorts to be exact. Let it be vegetables,fruits, carbs, protein, fats or even desserts. When I was little I enjoyed eating all sorts of fish. As I grew older, my liking for this fishy animal slowly faded away. The fishy smell to me just got stronger and stronger . I disliked it so much that I remember one time after school when I was 8, my mum would force me to eat it until I cried. I felt like puking whenever I had it! To me, it smelt and tasted horrible! I couldn't blame my mum because it is one of the main sources of protein but what can I say, it IS smelly.... However now, I have learnt that there are certain ways of preparing and cooking it so that you won't smell the fishiness. That helped a lot. My top two favourite types of fish would be The Dory and The Stingray.


I was born in November so that makes me a Scorpio. Most horoscopes I've read reflect how I think I am. I am determined and fearless. I take things head on. If I really want something, nothing can stop me but myself. I am jovial and passionate and not immature. I just can't tolerate with immaturity. I find it rather annoying as I think that everyone should act their own age, under certain circumstances that is. However, a scorpio also has its negatives as well like ; I get jealous way too easy and over such little things. Let it be relationship wise, family related and among friends. Something that I can't control, as if theres no ON/OFF button in my system. I tend to bottle up emotions, basically when I'm angry or sad or worried I keep it to myself. I don't feel comfortable telling people about my personal problems or emotions. Many tell me that it's not healthy so now I try to include people who are the closest to me so that they are able to understand how I feel and help me go through it. At least I'm not alone.. Lastly, I am such a control freak! I'd hate to admit it but I am controlling. i like things done my way the way I want it to be. I know people say that the more opinions you get the better, but I just feel if you do it my way, it would definitely be easier.

   3. HOCKEY

This would probably be a brief summary of my glory years of being a Hockey Player. Why such a brief summary? Mainly because a while ago I had written a long blog post about how it all began. Lets just say that without hockey, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Despite having flaws in my personality. Nobody's perfect. This sport is apart of me and will never leave. I've gained so much experience and matured over the years. It made me open my eyes to all the possibilities that might occur in the future and how I intend to achieve it. Looking back, I have only my mother to thank, for forcing me to go to all those training sessions when ever I didn't want to go, all those hockey tournament i never wanted to play in. It was all worth it.

Link to the hockey post A Blessing


This will definitely be categorised into two different things. Material and "HAPPY TUMMY" Most of you are completely aware of my french fries and ice-cream obsession. One that I developed when I was at a young age.No, I am not ashamed, I think it is perfectly okay to be obsessed with food but not up to the point where it contradicts with your health. Unlike other girls, I've never really gone on a legit "starving" phase. I'd just eat and eat and eat. Especially fries and ice-cream. Give me those two and I will love you forever! I have this weird thing that I can't seem to share my fries. I sort of get a little edgy when I do. When someone reaches out to grab a fry, deep down I'm dying... I mean if you want one, we can just order one for you. C'mon I'll pay. THAT is how much it bothers me.

How, ice-cream. I have this other weird theory that  i can only have vanilla ice-cream. If I wanted some other different flavour, I would have to get two scoops. The first one would be vanilla/ french vanilla and the other would be the other desired flavour. I've never tried Baskin Robbins milkshakes because I would always have an ice-cream dilemma. If I wanted a milkshake then I would have to get a single scoop of of vanilla ice-cream as well. I know, very weird and sometimes annoying but I just can't seem to get a different flavour as i think it would be a waste. haha


Nothing much about fashion. I'm a plain Jane but once in a while I like to remind the world that I have good fashion sense and dress up. Usually i'd just wear something simple like a t-shirt and jeans/shorts/ a skirt. But since I'm studying in The UK now, recently i've been wearing lots of long sleeve tops, sweaters and jeans/ cropped jeans. Once in a while, I like to spice things up by wearing a dress or a mini skirt with sheer tights to keep my legs warm. Beside that, my love for vintage bags and earrings have reached a whole new level. I am currently obsessed with everything Chanel. Other than their beautiful bags, their accessories are to die for.  Shoes? I prefer ballerina flats to be honest. My current favourites would have to be my Ferragamo's. Loafers are also super comfortable but it usually depends what look I'm going for.


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