Book Review #4

1:16 pm

I bought this book because lets face it, those who know me, know that i'm such a sucker for anything romantic. My friends (obviously being girls) had recommended this book to means also i noticed that when this book first came out, almost everyone in my school was reading it. I was just the "late" one. I purchased it around December as my "inflight storybook" to London but I wasn't able to finish it on that long 14 hour flight. Instead i opt to finish it when i landed. Nope, nada. it took me 6 months to finish it as I was so busy and was only able to read a few pages at the time. After my exams I was then able to indulge myself in the book.

To me, the book started off slightly slow and dull. However as I reached the centre part of the book, it started to get interesting and I could really feel the build up.  But my first impression was that these  kids, Colonel, Alaska, Miles (Pudge) were so advance for their age! I know that kids who grew up in the Western society are different to kids who grew up in a Asian society.

But still.. there are a lot of references to smoking, drinking and sex in the novel and for me it certainly wasn't how my teenage years were lived but I do know that teenagers are getting into these type of things earlier so maybe that's where the inspiration came from. I do think there is a fine line for young adult authors to tread between making teenagers completely innocent virgin children which no one reading the novel is ever going to believe and making them feel like over the top out of control teenagers that your average teen cannot relate to.

I found it slightly tiring, the way Alaska treated Miles. I know that Alaska was just trying to keep up with her image but I personally thought that the "chase" phrase was too long and too much in detail in the book. After the tragedy that happened to Alaska, things then got interesting to me. I wanted to know why she did it and why she had left Miles even though she had told him that "it will be continued...."  None of my questions seem to have an obvious answer.

In conclusion , id give Looking for Alaska 3 out of 5 stars 


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