post nye

8:18 am

Today marks the second day of January. The day where I am supposed to actually "change". I can't really say that i've changed but I can say that i'm actually trying. Not to boast or anything but I am currently in Starbucks in Angel revising for my upcoming exams with my friend Debra. After almost 5 hours of revising I thought I could take a short break and keep you guys updated! When it starts getting darker, Debra and I would make our way back home.

Tonight I will be staying at my accommodation instead of at Tok Chehs'. Mainly because I want to study more tonight without any distractions from anyone and also I was thinking of hitting the gym after studying. I should definitely start now if I want that beach body in time for summer! Not long now..

Winter in London this year has been very pleasant compare to the previous year. We are seeing more shine rather than rain however according to the forecasts, it states that it might rain in some parts of London tomorrow and then it will continue to shine as per the following day.

Yesterday, my two friends Mira and Ati came over for some post new years lunch. We had a malay menu. White rice, gulai kambing, ulam (fresh petai, and boiled petai, long beans) , boiled prawn salad, fish and samba belacan. The food was to die for. Definitely the highlight of the day. The thing I miss the most about Kuala Lumpur would have to be the food. After having a malay home cooked meal after so long, it made me miss Kuala Loco even more or as the youngsters call it; KOLUMPO  and everyone in it. It was nice to catch up with one of my two longest friends.


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