This one is for you

2:02 pm

Hush now my love, for you need not fear,
My love for you will never disappear.
Don't worry my darling, just close your eyes,
For I will be there, when you open your eyes.

Its late, and I can't sleep. I'm just thinking about you and I want you here with me. Love is about finding someone worth waking up to. Which is definitely better than finding someone to sleep with. It's 5.30am and I came up with that random poem. Just mulling of those words...

I came across this quote saying "Maybe a relationship is just two idiots who don't know a damn thing except the fact that they're willing to figure it out together" and it made me realise the importance of your role in my life. When I am sad and crying, when I am furious out of my mind, when I am caught up with exams and just confused and puzzled about life, you have been always there for me. For better or for worse, you have never left my side. You have seen me at my most best and you have seen me at my lowest. Yet, here you are. Still here, by my side for almost three years. Can you believe that? Almost three year has passed by. Don't you remember the first time we met? The fact that neither of us ever thought that we would be together. But I swear, I should have saw it coming. You make me feel like I'm on top of the world

Having you in my life has been filled with nothing but flowers and rainbows. You are truly a blessing that I can't stop Allah for giving me. You have lead, comforted, and thought me so much ever since we met. We have gone through many ups and downs but like the quote says; "...the fact that their willing to figure it out together" I am glad that you remind me that nothing is impossible. That giving up is never an option. For reminding me that I am worth more than whatever I think I'm worth. That I am beautiful despite my flaws and all. There were times where I just wanted everything to stop and end. But you talked some sense in me. Every couple needs to argue every now and then just to prove that the relationship can survive. Long-term relationships, the ones that matter, are all about the weathering the peaks and the valley.

I have been bottling up my feelings for donkeys years, and you're the first one I would go to when I can't bottle it up no more. Sometimes, I get too sensitive when I am attached. I can detect the slightest change in the tone of your voice, and suddenly I am spending all day trying to figure out what on earth I did wrong and it is frustrating.

You are loving, and patient with me. Things that I don't think any one else could be besides my own parents. You have been more than I could ever ask for and you are all that I am looking for in a partner. The sacrifices you made for me is indescribable and I can't thank you enough. The fact that your initial plan was to study in Australia but because of me here you are in England. Although you're in Bristol and not in London, I don't think I should even complain. I am just thankful that you are close enough for anything. If I'm in a bad situation or I am sad, you are just a train ride away.

They say love is blind, but they definitely know where to hit you.


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