
4:07 pm

I C C   2 0 1 5

Yesterday marked our second cheer competition of the season for Central City Allstars (CCA). We had our ICC which stands for International Cheerleading Coalition in Nottingham. ICC is basically a UK based producer of cheer and dance and was one of the very first event producers that offered All star cheer and Dance to British teams wining bids to USAF/ISASF Worlds. We left from University (Sunday morning) around 7am. We were supposed to leave at 6.30am but one of the boys sort of overslept and arrived late. We took the coach to Nottingham, this meant that we had to travel time would be longer compared to if we were to take the train. It took us around 3 hours to get there. 

There were so many people, around thousands at Capital fm Arena (where a bouts in Nottingham where we competed) Although our competing times were in the evening, we had to get there early to support our coach which was also competing in ICC but in a higher level. I think she competed in level 6. Besides that, we went early to support Caryss which is the co-captain of our team. She competed in a level 3 all star level clued Unity saffron. 

When we were prepping for our turn, it was no nerve wrecking. Everyone was freaking out! Forgetting counts, not catching the flyers, doing other things!? It was crazy back stage. We did a full run through and our pyramid didn't really go up but we managed to hit main stunts part one and two. Okay, we performed and we totally hit all stunts including the pyramid. We'venever really hit pyramid before. Usually, we'd just hit the first part of the pyramid and totally lose the middle part and then hit the last part but this time around we managed to do everything perfectly. We HIT everything! It felt so good! As for the end results, CCA had placed 2nd for Level one and 4th for Level3. 


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