BCA University Nationals 2015

8:34 am

A few shots taken with my polaroid at BCA university nationals 2015 that was held in Telford,England. Central City all stars's cheer teams both placed in 3rd in Level One all girls team and 3rd in Level 3 co-ed. The first picture is Level ones winning pyramid. We hit it Ladies! Second photo is a photo of the two teams combined, (boys and girls) after awards were given out. Third pictures clearly shows me being all happy, holding our 3rd place trophy and the last photo is my cheer stunt group since day one. From left, Anjeli ( flyer), Maddie (co base) Tasha ( back spot) and me ( main base). We have gone through so much since September. All the kicks, crying and bruises but we made it. We managed to not drop our flyer during every single comp. SO PROUD OF ALL OF US!!

So this is what our coach posted in our "secret" cheer group on Facebook.

Chinwe Okeke:

Dear All, 

We don't need a first place trophy to tell us how great we are, trophies are won at training and considering all that we have been through this season and the fact that you ALL have made it till this day, I AM PROUD OF YOU ALL. You are ALL WINNERS to me!!  you all!! Xxx 

Cant wait to be training with you guys for our next season in September! Having major withdrawals now :(


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