hyde park

8:17 am

S  P  R  I  N  G

Jamal and I took advantage of the "hot" weather - 17 degrees celsius and went out in "spring/summer" attire into the city. Our first pit stop was this afternoon food market nearby my place. It was a fairly long row of stalls selling all kinds of delicious foods ranging from burgers to italian to arabian  and moroccan delicacies. Jamal got himself a chicken burrito from one of the trucks and I got myself a spanish delight; churros! Mine was filled with its famous specialty which was dolce de leche. The filling was sweet but not like "caramel" or "toffee" kinda sweet. It was more like one of the dippings for Aunty Annie's Pretzels back in KL. After our first munch of the day, we made our way to Oxford Street to get some grubs to eat. I felt like having something spanish after that yummy churro. So we went to La Tasca for some tapas. 

Everytime I go to La Tasca, I can never help but over order. I would order tons of tapas and a huge paella. Although you share everything, I usually get way way way carried away with the number of tapas on the table.I promised myself i wouldn't binge this time so we decided to get ONLY tapas and not a paella. In the picture above, you can see that we have four different plates of tapas. We actually had five, the last one didn't arrive yet when I snapped this photo and i couldn't be bothered to wait cause I was just too hungry. 

We had...
1) Spicy chicken wings
2) White fish 
3) Cod
4)Tomatos and goats cheese
5) Mini burgers

Surprisingly, we had ordered just enough. It was lovely. What an achievement! WE DIDNT BINGE!!! After that scrumptious lunch, we made our way to our final destination, which was the park. Our plan was to feed the squirrels but we got off at Marble Arch station instead of Bayswater. At Marble arch station, there isn't any convenient store that sell nuts to feed the squirrels. So Jamal and I had to walk all the way from Marble Arch to Bayswater. It was getting late, and the sun was going away. The breeze started to get stronger as well and I started to whine... We got to Bayswater and bought nuts, cashew nuts to be precise. Squirrels love those by the way. We bought them at one of the oriental convenient stores located nearby Bayswater station. No only that, I had bought some snack and bubble tea or the park so that we could chill and relax in park. Above are some of the shots I took at Hyde Park. As you can see, I was definitely a little summer doll. haha Excited and dressed for summer!

Where my summer/spring attires from?
Top : Forever 21 
Jeans: Zara (but i think discontinued this design- can't seem to find this in Zara anymore but they are super comfy) 
Espadrilles: Chanel


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