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8:16 pm

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself" - Coco Chanel

As the famous saying goes, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". Different people have different views on what they might consider to be beautiful. Today our society has turned beauty into something completely unrealistic. Many are now familiar with features that classify woman as beautiful such as having a pretty face, flawless skin, skinny figure and sparkling eyes. However each of us have our own perception on beauty. Everyone is entitled to their own taste.

You are not considered beautiful if you are fat.

You are not considered beautiful if you are short.

You are not considered beautiful if you don't have long shiny and straight hair.

You are not considered beautiful if you don't have radiant skin.

You are not considered beautiful if you don't have all the correct proportions that are considered as elements of beauty. We are human and we are all not perfect. Do you actually see people you are head to toe walking around town flaunting their long legs and narrow waist? Do you? Ask yourself that. We can't be all those things that is considered as "beautiful". Girls in other words, females are then forced to believe that they are not beautiful or appealing in the eyes of others just because they do not portray the features of the ideal woman.

According to a study done by Dove, it was revealed that 82% of women think that the social media drives the definition on beauty today. The definition of beauty that once was on the covers of magazines is now having less impact on the youths.

"Social media is closely linked to how we perceive beauty because it is such a visual medium," Weiner said. "We are seeing thousands and thousands of images posted to these sites every single day at a relatively fast pace. It impacts beauty because there is an opportunity to redefine it."

Instagram is the culprit 

Pictures of perfect girls flooding the news feed of thousands. Nice hair, great body, everything. They look amazing and everybody knows it. We are so indulged in what the social media throws at us that we forget the real definition of beauty and what makes a woman beautiful. Have we forgotten that personality can be beautiful too? That brains can be seen as beautiful? We are idolising the wrong kind of beauty. Numerous women strive hard to be those "ideal" women just to be accepted in this society. Some go lengths by starving themselves until they because stick thin. The hurt themselves, but they would remind themselves that "beauty is pain" so that they won't feel bad about starving.

I am not saying I'm perfect and I too have insecurities. Social media has corrupted my mind with the "real" definition of beauty until I have become utterly conscious with myself. I can never be content. I know I shouldn't let these things affect me in any way because its stupid. Nevertheless, this is the way  the society today operates.


 Sometimes, when I scroll down images of instagram, the girls I come across are so beautiful and there are so many of them. Perfect skin, tanned skin, no scars not flaws no nothing. Here i am, worried about what I would look like in my bikini, trying to hide the stretch marks on my butt. These marks are my beauty wounds. I got them when I was training hard on the hockey field; trying to gain muscle. I'm sure I'm not the ono tone in this world that has them bad. Im sure there are those out there who are just ashamed and shy about their stretch marks as well. 

I know that if I were to post a picture bearing all my flaws, people wold start talking behind my back saying things like "ew she's got stretch marks" " ew so ugly" "Look at those lines!!"  C'mon, we all know how girls are and how judgemental people are. Afraid to be judged, I remain quiet in my closet of thoughts. I wished that I could be confident and no care about what people say about me. I wish I didn't have to worry about whether i have wide hips and I wished people would mind their own business and not judge others. 

What is beauty? I ask myself again once more. 

I guess beauty is being comfortable in your own skin. 


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