Book Review #5

8:08 am

T H E  F I V E  P E O P L E  Y O U  M E E T  I N  H E A V E N
by Mitch Albom

"Lost love is still love, Eddie. It just takes a different form, that's all. You can't hold their hand... You can't tousle their hair... But when those senses weaken another one comes to life... Memory... Memory becomes your partner. You hold it... you dance with it... Life has to end, Eddie... Love doesn't." 

Mitch Albom's book; The Five People You Meet In Heaven is such an extraordinary book. Having the title portray such words like 'heaven' , you might think that this book is merely about the idea of religion but it is not. The charm of this book is that subject matters like faith, death and that everything you happens for a reason and that it effects someone else. Throughout the book, It got me thinking... I thought I'd compare myself to Eddie (character in the book) on the  little choices and decisions I made. I felt like I was on a maid carpet in wonderland when I read this book. I couldn't get my eye off of it. It made me laugh, grin and cry. It made me think hard about the choices I made and about how I treated others. It was time to reflect myself i thought...

It astounds me that how little thing one does could substantially alter someone else's life. Take Eddie for example. He is playing ball in the street, when the blue man is in a car. Eddie drops the ball, and chases it into the street where the blue man suddenly has a heart attack due to the scare he is facing of hitting this little boy in the street. In this book, Eddie goes through so much.. Eddie learn to accept death, faith, fate, letting go, that there are no random acts of like and that love always wins. 

The way Mitch Albom portrayed Eddie in his book really makes you feel like you actually know him,and that you were actually there with him in the story book. It is so amazing. It made me feel like he was my grandfather, and that I felt deeply towards all that had happened to him in the book. 

For me, I believe in a Heaven and Hell. In God.. as well as in religion.  That we all have judgement day. But it doesn't matter if you don't believe in  heaven. It is essential that you read this book in my honest opinion. The one question you would probably ask yourself or mull about is Who are the five people YOU meet in heaven?


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