Update 2.0

10:40 am

Hey everyone, Im back in my favourite city (obviously my main city squeeze would be Kuala Lumpur - I guess I'm referring to my most favourite city after KL) London! I've been back for quite some time now but I've just been buried in work. Well, not really, I have just been busy with moving an settling myself. It is almost the end of the first week of October I honestly can't believe that September passed by so fast. Two weeks in and I'm already freaking out about all my deadlines --- what more; my final year project (dissertation as we call it // disso = nama glamour "glamorous name") I really really need to calm down and plan everything. You know what they say; 
"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort" 
I need a chill pill

Summer was just fabulous for me. I got to spend a lot of time with my family and friends, I was able to show my friends from England around KL and Melaka, and we even managed to visit Amika in Bali for a week! Take me back to those good old days please. I need a little more time to figure myself out before uni *sobs* Friends in university have been freaking me out with the "What are you going to do after you graduate"question. Ding DING ding! "Well, i'll probably be unemployed like the rest of the university graduates..." I know I should be positive but it is honestly really hard to score a good job now. The job market is really competitive. Universities and Institutes are producing more and more marketable graduates and the competition is real. My friend graduated last year with a first degree with honours and my friend (name shall not be mentioned here) is still struggling to find a job. This is coming from a person who probably scored a high average overall in university. What does this mean for the average scoring graduates and the ones who graduate with a lower class? This is scary.

On a brighter note, my parents will be arriving in London this Sunday and they would be staying till mid- November. This means that daddy and I would be able to celebrate both our birthdays together. His big 55th and my big 22nd - Exciting news I believe. I'm looking forward to seeing them and so so excited to take them to all the cool breakfast gems that I've discovered. Mmmm foooood~~

Hopefully I would be getting my camera soon, once I do, I'll be taking lots of nice shots of food and places and will definitely be blogging about them. I will be experimenting with portraits as well - stay tuned for more!


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