Fitness Journey

2:11 am

After high school ended for me, I didn't train or do anything "fitness" related and that was when I got fat (ok not fat, but chubby) - basically I wasn't happy with how much weight I gained after I completely stopped hockey at 17. Back when I was in intense training in high school due to the number of tournaments my hockey team competed in a year, I was forced to keep my fitness and stamina at its peak. I couldn't underperform in terms of my stamina. If any of us underperformed during a game, I can bet you $50 that during training, more fitness and stamina related i.e. running or circuits would be added. Training back then was crazy! I remember running around the hockey turf doing numerous laps. One of my team mate vomitted right in front of me whilst doing laps, she then carried on running and finished her laps even before everyone else.

It was intense and hard but I'm glad I did it. I was training so much at least four times a week that I was able to binge out on fatty food frequently in a week without gaining weight. When I say binge I don't mean binging out eating junk food and chips but having Nasi Lemak (a Malaysian delicacy) and having McDonalds about once a week with ice cream. not trying to say that they're a healthier alternative ---- I know they're bad but they are sooooo good i can't help myself. Having french fries as a side with my meal, didn't bother me. Getting my large set meal fix at McDonalds didn't bother me. Having pasta everyday didn't bother me.


I'm conscious about everything I eat. I feel like what ever I consume would make me fat. This unhealthy mentality resulted to me eating only salads or skipping meals. When I skipped meals, I ended up having bad gastric attacks until I ended up going back and fourth to the hospital to get medication. It was that bad. I wanted to change. I was just hungry and tired all the time from all the starving so I decided to start running again.


I started running outdoors. In the evening my parents would send me to KLCC park and I would run for about an hour. Sometimes I'd run around my housing compound and do some circuits in my room. On and off, I'd train with my old hockey coach just for fun and to help out with the new hockey team.

In 2014, I followed my boyfriend to his gym and kinda got hooked. He trained me for a while. I just started off with machines and not free weights. I would do 8 reps of each exercises three times. I'd go through all the machines, chest, legs you name it whilst my boyfriend trained on the side. I ran a lot as well. At that time, my only goal was to lose fat and be skinny. It didn't occur to me then that I wanted something more than just being skinny.  When my boyfriend left for England, I had about 3 months to spare before I flew off to England.

I joined a gym nearby my house called Elements Gym in G Towers and worked out for 3 months. I felt shy when I went to the gym because I wasn't really sure on how to work out properly and at the same time, I didn't want to work out with a personal trainer because they are crazy expensive. Winging it was the best option at that time. However, when you're purely working with machines, its pretty hard to screw up because the machine helps you with your posture. I went everyday. I started off with stretching, then I started my first exercise on the treadmill. I walked for 5 minutes just to get my heart pumping, then I ran and did sprints for the remaining 25 minutes. Afterwards, on to the weighted machines.

One day, a trainer came up to me and asked me what I was training. Arms I said. I didn't have specific days for working out the areas of my body. He told me to train with him that day for free. He taught me how to use the TRX cables. Training with him that day was deadly. The next day, I got a call from him regarding Personal training services and he wanted me to sign up. He persuaded me every single time I was at the gym. It got really annoying to the extent that I would head to the gym at odd times or whenever it was peak time so that I could avoid him. On a brighter note, I could see a difference in my body after working out for only three months. I had some back muscles and I could see slight muscles popping out here and there.

The most visible change in my body was my thighs or legs from all the running and leg machines. I was able to see the difference from when I first started to the day I stopped gymming. My legs were smaller and more toned compared to before. When I flew off to England, I was skinny! wooohooo

As for the whole of 2014, I only started going to the gym again at the start of September because there was a gym right behind my flat. Again, I did mostly cardio and abs. I was so disciplined with gym but when it came to exams, I got so demotivated and stopped because I got so nervous about exams! I thought that wouldn't have time to study if I went to the gym. I lost my stamina and getting back to gymming felt so hard. I also got chubbier form all the library snacks my friends and I bought to keep us occupied whilst studying in the library. My irregular eating pattern during the exam period played a huge role as well. I wasn't eating properly and I wasn't eating at the right time. I was the chubbiest I've ever been in a long time. I could really see it in my face. I was disgusted at how fast and easy it was for me to put on smooch weight in only a month.

Once i flew back after exams it was already fasting month. I tok the opportunity to eat even less during that whole month. After 30 days of fasting, I managed to lose weight. Maintaining that weight was hard... but I managed.

In 2015, I did the same thing, I mainly did cardio and abs at the gym. Some days i'd train legs but it wasn't really something i enjoyed so I sort of neglected it. I depended on my cheer practices to boost up my arm muscles and stamina. Again, during fasting month I lost all the weight I had gained and managed to look presentable for my Summer trip with my cheer mates in Bali.

2016 - Present

I wanted to start my academic year going to the gym right. Since Jamal is now studying in London, I thought that he could train me at the gym. I decided to take gym seriously this time. I wanted to see results; in my upper body as well as lower body. For the first 3 months, I would follow Jamal to the gym and he would teach me the right technique to train different parts with the free weights in the gym. Before, I wouldn't even go near the free weights area because it is full of boys.

1. I didn't want to be judged
2. I didn't want the boys to look at me whilst I worked out
3. I was shy and conscious 

After a few weeks of training with Jamal at the gym, I got more and more comfortable with the techniques. I learned a lot for him. He taught me the right posture and which muscles are used during each workout. All the times I was at the gym with him, during my breaks between exercises I would just scan the free weights area I noticed that some of the guys don't even know half of the exercises their doing. haha I had someone to teach me and show me the difference between  good posture and a bad one. They don't have anyone to help. Thats when I got over being shy and conscious at the gym. 

In December, Jamal decided to switch gyms because it was getting really cold and he felt that the gym we went to together was just too far for him. I had to go to the gym alone. The first few days I had to train alone, I was really shy, but I got over it eventually. I saw a difference in my arms and shoulders the most. My biceps and triceps have grown,as well as my shoulders. My shoulders are pretty lean now.

I've modified my routine, now I try to incorporate Hiit classes into my routine at least twice a week. 

Mondays: Chest and legs
Tuesday: Arms, Hiit, Abs
Wednesday: Back and legs
Thursday: Shoulders, Hiit, abs
Fridays: Legs and glutes

Not going to lie, after 3 weeks of religiously following this routine, I managed to tone up my legs. I really feel my glutes burn now. I've also spoken to some of the trainers at the gym regarding the areas I wanted to work on more and asking them for advice on different workouts to build muscle in those areas. Im glad that i'm seeing some progress! I hope I could build muscle and get lean by summer! I might post some #transformation pictures next time. 


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