The end of a milestone

2:25 am

Funny how time works

A year can pass by, just like that without you realising its actual speed.

When my mum told me that those three university years would past by in a flash, I thought she was over reacting. Before, a year felt like it took ages. It felt as if I had to wait forever till December. But now, looking back at everything, that journey of mine felt like a blink of an eye. I was going through all my photographs from my first year in university and I've experienced so much, met so many people and expanded my horizon beyond my expectations. 

Moving to London really changed me as a person and my perspectives of things. The two pictures above was taken on the day I sat for my last ever university degree examination where me and my friend, Amika posed for our last picture in our examination hall; where we sat for our separate papers. Sitting in the Great Hall, answering my paper released a sense of nostalgia in me. This hall was the my first examination venue back when I was in first year. I felt privileged to have sat for my final exam in the exact same hall. 

Everything was about to end. University life was ending and I felt a little sad deep down inside to leave this institution. A plan where I managed to create so many memories and learn so much. Everyone was happy to leave but I was in actual fact, sad. As if an air of melancholy surrounded me. I won't lie, I enjoyed my university life very much. Although I didn't get the experience like other students that led a campus life (since my university was based in the city) I felt like in a way I managed to experience other things that London has to offer; other things campus students were unable to experience.

Culture, the people, fashion and most importantly.. the food

Oh fooooood

oh glorious foooooood

One of the many things I would miss from London

On the last day of my examinations, I spent it by surrounding myself with the people I was close to in university; just talking about and look back at all the memories we have made since we enrolled ourselves into this university. 

My friends, Georgia, Lee, Kirsty and I had a rather late lunch or perhaps early dinner and drinks at the Aviary located opposite Finsbury square. The Aviary is a lovely restaurant and rooftop bar located on the 10th floor of Montcalm Hotel. Its just a waking distance from Mortgate Station and approximately a 10 minute walk from Cats Business School. After the exam, I went home first to freshen up before heading to the Aviary to meet them. 

Hungry with a lot of gas in my stomach since lunch was far from over, I had the lobster roll with chips alongside my passionfruit virgin mojito. And needless to say, it was delicious and not too heavy. Georgia had surprised us with a little "goodbye university thank you for being my friend" card  (along those lines) with a special message inside. I was touched and felt like tearing a little!  It was a really sweet gesture of her to do that (love ya G!). Its nice to know that some people actually appreciate all the time you've spent together and also the close ties and friendship built.

After getting the cheque, we decided to head out to the rooftop and just bask in the ambiance.  We wanted to celebrate the start of our "unofficial" graduate or unemployment life! However we were greeted with a 30 minute storm that required us to take shelter and stay indoors instead.


After finally managing to head on to the rooftop after the storm calmed down a little, we weren't able to sit anywhere because all the chair were soaking wet!!

Double Boohoo

SO we thought, OK lets make the best of our situation right now and stand near the railing and take lots of pictures. But we struggled to take a group photo because none of us wanted to take the "selfie" and risk social suicide infront of all the working people. While in the a middle of a heated discussion on who has the longest arms to take the selfie, this man from the group thats chatting away behind us came up to us and asked whether we wanted his help. We couldn't really say no mainly because he was pretty persuasive and I was desperate for a photo. YES, I said. He took a few and even though he was on the verge of being intoxicated, the pictures didn't turn out that bad at all. Which was a bonus

As examinations ended, I was able to prepare for my 3 week holiday in Italy and my graduation ceremony the week after I land from the land of pizza and gelato. I had a week to find a dress before my graduation ceremony. Now thats another story. to say the least, I'm in the midst of writing up my Italy travel series post so stay tuned for it! You won't be disappointed looking at the mouth watering dishes that I had throughout my stay in beautiful Italy. Not only that, I have also compiled a few video montages from my trip to Italy. They are almost done, and I am really excited to share them with you!!!!

Heres a picture of me about to throw my graduation cap infront of the coat of arms of the City of London with my beautiful bouquet of 50 roses from my boyfriend. It was one of my happiest and most proudest day of my life. I am so happy that my journey for my degree has been a smooth one. 

I know that my years in London would leave a mark in my life forever which I will cherish extremely. 


Alhamdulliah; that my parents were able to provide me with this life changing experience. I am eternally grateful for all the opportunities that they have given me. I am blessed to have such an amazing support system, my parents for constantly giving me endless advice and support! 

All those nagging paid off eyyyy???

I walked up on stage the day of my graduation with my head held high full of pride.

Proud and fulfilled.

Although this may be the end of a milestone, but a new chapter is about to commence, a start of an amazing new milestone for me. I am looking forward to what the future holds for me.


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