The train reaches Jupiter at last

6:39 am

Drops of Jupiter - Train

I know I have recently posted one today a couple of hours ago but I just wanted to share this song with everyone. My mood has been going from good to bad and then good again then bad again these couple of days due to certain reasons and I have been reminiscing this song ever since. I can really relate to this song because I myself am confused with my feelings. I ask myself, "What have I been doing with my life?" "Am I ready to face all these challenges that I have installed for me in the future?" "Can I do this? "Should I do this alone?"

Question: "In order for me to find myself, must I push all my love ones away? Why can't I have them by my side so that they are there to help me along the way? To help me. To guide me. 

I listened to this song in the past without knowing about his mother dying and it sounds like a guy lamenting the need of his girlfriend to find herself. After learning the death of his mother and knowing that's whats the song is all about, it makes sense. But now you have to look at it in a different light to see it. Most of the lyrics is about him pondering  the cosmic trip his mother took, only to come back because she is thinking about her son.

Everyone's right about the main idea: The girl leaves the guy because she needs to go find herself out in the world before she can love the person again. So she goes out and indulges in the trends of the times (Mozart, Taebo was huge). The guy is scared that when she comes back he'll be too boring for her (plain ole Jane). And all along he keeps asking her questions about their relationship. He always asks if she can imagine life without him, if life would be better with someone else rather than him.

 The majority of the song is questions asking her this. He keeps asking if she finally understands that life without him is flashy at first, and may sweep her off her feet (wind sweep you off your feet), and she may fall for a guy like that too, who is awesome at first but then turns dull. the main question he asks is if she always misses him while shes trying to find herself. Then he asks her if she can imagine life without all the things they used to do (phone conversations, soy lattes, most importantly, him). 

Finally, the last line is the major one: "Are you lonely looking for yourself out there?" The line changes from "did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?" It shows that the guy finally got tired of waiting for her to come back; he's moved on. It's not worth waiting around for someone who doesn't want to come around either.


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