She loathed the feeling of love

6:57 pm

When you're insanely in love, there's not a day that goes by that this person doesn't cross your mind. How heavy this person makes your heart feel. When you hear a certain song or see a certain photo, you yearn to share something or just wake up thinking about him or her. "People come and go" they say. There are so many people who come in and out of your life. Some you date briefly and you've never given a second thought to, and some you may like a lot... more than a friend, more than a crush but it never seems to work out.

Then, there are those who crush on you, who take months and months or maybe even years to get over. There is also a love that crushes all. The feeling that you get when you significantly know that something has to end right now but for some reason, isn't over for good. You tell yourself to be strong, but saying things like "I wish you the best in life" or "I hope you're happier" and just move on, can't end that bitter sweet chapter in your life because you know that deep down you know you can't quite quit them. Not just yet... or maybe not ever.

There is a love that exists and there is a kind of love that doesn't. Maybe you have met the person you're supposed to be with maybe you haven't. Maybe the reason you are not together now is because of timing, schedules, or maybe even missed opportunities.The connection you have is real, magnetic and strong that you are constantly pulled back. The relationship hasn't reached its potential yet, so it can't be over. Thus, you would sit in your love purgatory, just biding you time until you can both finally find each other once again. (Note: You shouldn't just mope, and sit around whilst listening to sad music in the shower though.)

You would find distractions and then you would push away what you really feel in order to be sane enough of a human being to function in this crazy and challenging life. Questioning yourself, what you did in life to deserve such pain. Serious matters like, distracting yourself by meeting other people; other amazing and beautiful people with whom you want to work things out, but it never happens. Mainly because something is off. That person just isn't your person I guess.

"She's not Rachel" 

The famous line from the hit television Friends. How you'll never really get over Ross and Rachel. Right from the start, they both knew that they were meant for each other. Even if they didn't quite see it, there was always something so utterly sincere in the way Ross loved Rachel. The best thing about Ross and Rachel is that, they got each other. The two of them being together kind made a whole lot of sense. Things weren't always perfect, and despite all that happened between them they always seemed to come back to each other. We all knew what they didn't right from the start. That even though Ross was afraid she wasn't going to get off the plane, she got off the plane... This is what this person, who kept you in love purgatory, would make you feel; no one can ever compare... When you know it, you'll know it. That strong magnetic connection comes around once, maybe twice in a lifetime , that is if you're lucky..

"The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing" - Blaise Pascal

Some meet people, they date, they fall in love and they live happily ever after. Many don't get to experience that. Many are not quite so fortunate to experience love without any challenges or obstacles. Some have to fight for the ones they love, they break up, makeup and go through ups and downs with that person until it finally works.


Maybe that's the real problem. You have to learn and let yourself grow more before you can or you're able to settle down with that special person. Whatever the problem is, you know that eventually the two of you will find each other again InsyaAllah. All great love stories that I've lived to hear/watch , there are just some people who you can't let go of and never will. But, till you find your way back, you would miserably sit in love purgatory, hoping to God that you would find someone or even something to keep you occupied long enough just so that you don't self-destruct. People are exceptionally complex and love sometimes is messy. If its not that way for you, it doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong. It just means that your path was easier. For those if us who are currently in love purgatory, you will one day be with your person, too.


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