Terawih conflicts

7:34 pm





—commences every year on the 9th month of the islamic calendar and is observed worldwide by muslims as holy month where we fast  to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad according to Islamic beliefs. For those with limited knowledge or understandings on Ramadhan, us muslims would fast everyday for a month from dawn until sunset. We have to refrain ourselves from consuming food, drinking liquids, smoking and engaging in sexual relations. We are also supposed to refrain ourselves from sinful behaviour that may contribute to the mitigation of the reward of fasting such as cursing/insulting/lying/backbiting/gossiping etc. 

After breaking fast, some of us would go to the mosque and perform our terawih prayers. Terawih prayers is a sunnah salat for us muslims during Ramadhan. It refers to extra prayers performed by Sunni Muslims. This sunnah salat (solat) is considered optional, and not obligatory. If you are unable to perform this at the mosque, you are able to do it at home. 

My Ramadhan is usually spent at home and by home I mean; Malaysia and not England. For the past few years, Ramadhan would commence during summer in England we all know that during summer, England/Europe have very early dawns and very late sunsets which will lead to more than 18 hours of fasting a day instead of the regular 14 hours in Malaysia. Having to cope with long hours, with no fans in the rooms as well as the dry hot summer weather, I honestly don’t think I would be able to survive fasting in England. Other than me, some of my friends who are physically and mentally stronger than me do fast in England. I really take my hat off to them. 

I arrived back from England on the first day of Ramadhan, it was mandatory for me to fast the next day. Dealing with jet lag, I took ages to fall asleep that night. Usually my mum would wake me up for sahur (time we eat before dawn) at about 4.45am-5am; we would eat together -- perform subuh together as a family. Before I started work, my parents advised me to follow them to the KLCC mosque to perform our subuh prayers and after that I would sleep till late afternoon. I've been back in Malaysia for almost three weeks now and I am still slightly jet lagged. I guess, I haven’t recovered fully. I just haven’t been getting enough sleep. I am crazy exhausted during the day and especially at work. Having to keep myself awake at my desk is my biggest struggle (even though I have work to do ). Yes, I am at work and I am currently blogging. According to my previous posts, I am a rebel child when it comes to work. 

Back to the main point of this post…

Almost everyday, my family and I and Kak Chima will perform our Isyak prayers and terawih at the KLCC mosque. We try to go everyday. The only days where I don’t go is when my dad is ill and when I am not breaking fast at home. As usual, after completing sunnah prayers before isyak at the mosque, I would usually just sit there and try not to fall asleep. Lets face it,— a full tummy, jet lagged — tired from work; who wouldnt be tired. You'd see me either stare into space or either attempt to recite some verses.

I was minding my own business while looking at all the people in that hall, and out of nowhere I see a familiar face. An old ‘friend’ from school. I have nothing against her and hopefully she has nothing against me. I looked in her direction and I wanted to smile and wave but she looked AWAY! She was looking right at me and then she turned and looked away!! This is not the first time by the way. Our first encounter was after terawih on one of the days. She passed right in front of me and I could tell by her expression she saw me. She also did look directly at me..

Am I not approachable? 

Come on, we have been in the same school for 5 years, dated the same guy and shared other common interests. I am sure she would remember me. Even if we were enemies or even if we didn't really know each other, or enjoy each others' company; I would at least smile and say Hi and may or may not start a little 2 minute conversation and then struggle to get out of it. But no,  not this time, she ignored me and acted as if I was invisible. What is the deal with these people? I’ve come across incidents where I smile and wave at a person and the other person would casually look away. Have some curtesy people. 


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