A healthy alternative

12:12 pm

Last month, a friend of mine had introduced me to a healthy alternative for rice and even brown rice; Bulgur Wheat! Bulger is a cereal food made from the groats of several different wheat species , most often from durum wheat. It is kind of a dried cracked wheat and is famously used in mostly European, Middle Eastern and Indian cuisines.

Bulger wheat goes with everything in my opinion. I can have it with curry, beef stew, tom yum soup and many more! my most favourite dish would be Bulgur wheat fried rice and broccoli. I know, the broccoli is a weird combination but you can substitute it with some other greens like spinach.

In the picture above, I made a healthy fried rice alternative by using Bulgur wheat instead of rice. I topped it off with fresh coriander and parsley as well as a side of of two egg whites. For those who are concerned with the nutrition facts, I will include as picture of it below.

R E C I P E 

1. Boil a cup or half a cup of Bulgur wheat and wait for the water to evaporate. Then transfer the dried burgur wheat onto another plate for it to rest.

2. Chop some cloves of garlic (up to you, I usually chop 4 cloves because I like garlic) finely as well as 1 shallots. Use coconut oil instead of sunflower oil or virgin olive oil to fry the shallots and garlic.

3. Once they have turned golden add in your weapon (either shrimp, chicken, beef, tofu etc) and fry till cooked. Once cooked, add in the cooked bulgur wheat and reduce the heat.

4. First add sweet soy sauce to give it some flavour and colour, next add some light and dark soy sauce. Half a tea spoon of each or what ever the amount according to your liking and mix till your bulger is fully mixed properly.

5. Add in your chopped birds eye chillies. To get a extra UMPH in your friend rice, you made stir fry some birds eye chillis together with your garlic and onion (but towards the end). This will enhance the chillies even more and make the dish burn deliciously in your mouth. PS. if you decide to fry some with the garlic make sure you have some water near you and make sure you open the window. I don't want any of my followers to suffocate like I did when I made this.... But still, trust me this dish is goooood

6. Once done, cut your parsley and coriander and sprinkle them on top. Add in the vegetables now if you like and stir. You can also have the boiled vegetable as a side dish. Up to you, you da chef bro.

7. lastly, cut a quarter of a lime and squeeze it all over your bulgur wheat to give it a tangy taste. This helps cancels out the spice from the birds eye chillies.

And you're DONE! Hope you try the recipe! 


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