2 week summary

12:05 pm

Exams are longs over and so much as happened a long the way. The great thing that happened before exams was that my dad came to visit. After exams, my dad would take me out for dinner or let lunch and we would gossip and just you know have our father daughter bonding time.

Exam week had me stressed emotionally and physically, and I am proud to say that I have achieved top marks and I am truly blessed and thankful to have so many people who supported  and prayed for me. Especially to my family, relatives and close friends as well.

Before results came out, I was just walking around Selfridges with my dad when i passed this ginger who looked pretty familiar. Obviously i followed her although I felt a little stalker-ish, and went up to her and asked "aren't you Emma Watson?" Not knowing what to say, she just sighed smiled and said yes. Clearly, she didn't want people to notice her as she wanted a normal day out without be hassled and harassed by people like.... me. I asked her whether I could take a photograph with her but she said she wasn't able to because then it would draw too much attention. Other than that, we spoke for a while , trying to keep it low and casual while looking at shoes.

Who knew Id meet her....


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